Tome of Beasts 1, 2, and 3 - Review

We’ve seen the Heroes, now it’s time to unleash the monsters! The Tome of Beasts books are a series of supplements, by Kobold Press, which are suitable for D&D 5e, offering a wealth of monsters and NPCs. From mighty dragons, to carnivorous Bulettes and cunning Fey Lords, there truly is something for everyone. In this video, I’ll review the three books. In the future I’ll review different monsters in more detail.

Monsters abound! The Tome of Beasts provides an abundance of monsters and NPCs, everything a DM needs to keep their players on their toes!

Check back later in the week to see my review of the Path of the Inner Eye, a Barbarian subclass from Tome of Heroes - available for Members and Patreons!

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Stream Weaver - Wayfarers of the Farwood Sorcerer Subclass Review


Mercy Domain - Tome of Heroes Cleric Subclass Review