Stream Weaver - Wayfarers of the Farwood Sorcerer Subclass Review

Over a year ago I received my copy of Wayfarers of the Farwood, from Farwood Publishing. Wayfarers of the Farwood is a D&D 5e supplement, which contains the Iron Thieves Campaign, new rules for foraging and tracking, and new player options. It provides a new setting, the world of Lor’zun, where the wilderness is consumed by the ever-changing Farwood. The gods roam the land, and each day is a fight for survival; cataclysmic events occur which obliterate civilizations in a heartbeat. A year on, we return to the world of Lor’zun, with my subclass review of the Stream Weaver, a new option for Sorcerers. Click here for more subclass reviews.

Harness the true power of the weave and link a devastating barrage of spells together - but, be warned, the Stream Weaver’s power comes at a cost…

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Rage Chanter - Wayfarers of the Farwood Barbarian Subclass Review


Tome of Beasts 1, 2, and 3 - Review