Top Three Travel Games 2023

I love games night, but unfortunately not every game is suitable for travelling; they’re either too large, have too many components, or have too many expansions. That’s why I’ve made this list of my top three travel games of 2023!

If you prefer larger games, you can see my top 3 board games of 2023, or, if you want even more travel games, you can see my top 3 travel games of 2022.

One Night Ultimate Werewolf

One Night Ultimate Werewolf has become a firm favourite in our gaming group. It’s a game of deception and deduction, where each player takes on one of several roles. Their role may place them on the team of the Werewolves, or on the Village team. Many of the roles also have special abilities, allowing you to swap roles, identify the role of another player, or finish the night not knowing whose side you’re on! One Night Ultimate Werewolf is perfect for small or large groups, as it can accommodate 3-10 players, and you can make each game different by changing the roles you’re using.


Dandelions is a fast-paced strategy game for 2-3 players, where players take it in turns to move their counters round the board to plant their seeds (dice) in various gardens to score the most points. What dice each player uses is crucial, as getting more dice in higher scoring gardens nets you more points, but if you have the most dice in any garden, you score points based on the number of pips you have. Do you rush round the board, and score in the higher gardens, or do you focus on a lower scoring garden and guarantee points from your pips? The choice is yours…

Roll to the Top

Roll to the Top is a game for 1-6 players, with wipe-clean landmarks so you can play again and again. In Roll to the Top, players take it in turn to roll the dice, adding, switching, or subtracting dice in turn, so each turn and player uses different dice. However, on each turn, every player can make use of the dice, using them to fill their landmark. Will you rush to the top, or take a more patient approach? Will you keep the dice pool large, or take some dice out to deny them to your opponents? Different strategies will net you victory on different landmarks, yet inevitably the dice will play their part…

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Top Three Board Games 2023