S5E Superheroic Roleplaying for 5th Edition - Unboxing

S5E is an alternative set of rules from Sigil Entertainment, based upon D&D 5th edition, which sees players create their own superheroes! With a basic set of rules very similar to those of D&D 5E, picking up the game is very simple for those already familiar with D&D, whilst providing a completely new setting.

Want to create a world similar to that of the Marvel Cinematic Universe? Want to play as Batman? Well now you can! In this video I’ll be taking a first look at this trio of books: S5E: Superheroic Roleplaying; the Augmented Operative Registry; and Midnight City.

Superheroic Roleplaying for 5th Edition (S5E) is an alternative game system to D&D 5e. This provides rules for playing as super heroes, in settings similar to those found in many comic books.

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