Genies (Efreeti and Djinni) - Miniature Showcase

Some of you may remember my review of Epic Miniatures from 2022 - well now I’m back with an update, having painted up several of these incredible miniatures. I’m starting with a pair of genies - there’s a third I still need to paint - but I’ll be following these up with several other showcases, so stay tuned! Members have access to even more showcases, so if you want to see more from me, consider joining up!

Genies are creatures of the elemental planes, formed when the soul of a sentient creature melds with the matter of an elemental plane. The life force serves as the source of the genie’s birth, providing its form and gender, although few, if any, memories of its former existence would be retained by the genie. There are four main kinds of genie, one for each of the four traditional elementals, fire, water, earth, and air.

Djinn are those genies connected to the elemental plane of air. They are the most forgiving of being enslaved to mortals, for a short time, although they are unforgiving of betrayal.

Efreet are genies native to the elemental plane of fire. Most other races seem lesser to the efreet, and as such the efreet treat them as servants or slaves.

I hope you enjoyed this miniature showcase - if you want to see more of these, become a member now!



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