Deep Magic Vol. 1 & 2 - Unboxing

We’ve seen the Heroes and the Monsters, now it’s time to unleash the magic! The Deep Magic books are a pair of supplements, by Kobold Press, which are suitable for D&D 5e, offering a wealth of new spells, subclasses and feats. From the Saint Domain to the Boreal Sorcerer, Power Word Pain to Torrent of Fire, there’s something for everyone! I’ll be unboxing these new books, giving you a peek inside!

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Unleash your magic! Deep Magic provides new subclasses and spells, giving players a host of new options as well introducing us to two new classes, the Theurge and Witch!

Check back later in the week to see my review of the Path of the Inner Eye, a Barbarian subclass from Tome of Heroes - available for Members and Patreons!

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See you next time!



College of Tactics - Tome of Heroes Bard Subclass Review


Inquisition Domain - Grim Hollow Cleric Subclass Review