Disney Villainous, Wicked to the Core - Villain Reviews

Of all the villains currently released for Villainous, Hades was the villain I most looked forward to playing; as a kid, Hercules was my favourite Disney movie, and as an adult I love mythology. I really wanted to add this iconic villain to my collection. I also really enjoyed watching Princess and the Frog, so Dr Facilier was another villain I wanted to play. Although it’s been a long time since I’ve seen Snow White, and the Evil Queen was the villain I was least interest in playing, she has quickly become the favourite from this set. I wasn’t disappointed by Wicked to the Core, and I enjoy the playstyles of all three villains.

This is the part of a series of reviews I’ve done for Disney Villainous, focusing on each character in turn. I’ll be ranking the difficulty of each Villain, placing them as easy, medium, or hard. I’ll also outline a basic strategy that I tend to follow when playing that villain, although it is by no means the definitive way to play. I’ll pick out my top 3 cards for each villain, although I’ll largely ignore those directly required for the villain to achieve victory – cards like the Crown and Trident for Ursula, Titans for Hades, Kuzco for Yzma, and so on – unless I feel they contribute heavily to victory.

Here you’ll be able to watch my reviews of Hades and Evil Queen, but members also have access to my review of Dr Facilier!

Alternatively, anyone can read through these reviews by clicking here!

Evil Queen must defeat Snow White; she as plenty of tricks up her sleeve and multitude of powerful items to aid her!

Hades must work hard to ensure his plan to rule Mount Olympus - but beware, Hercules and Zeus are here to make sure you fail!

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Disney Villainous, Evil Comes Prepared Villain Video Reviews


Disney Villainous, The Worst Takes It All - Villain Video Review